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We aim for all children at Shay Lane Primary School to understand that mathematics is a vital part of life.  As a school, we strive to provide opportunities for all children to deepen their mathematical knowledge, fluency and skill. A curriculum based in problem solving and reasoning gives our children experience of using mathematics in a variety of real-life contexts.

Our curriculum allows children to develop their working memory and understanding of subject disciplines as they progress through school.  We build upon prior learning, allowing children to expand their skills and vocabulary, while developing their ability to reason with confidence, determination and flexibility.


We intend to do this by aiming for all pupils:

  • To be good communicators
  • To celebrate difference and diversity by working together
  • To be successful regardless of their background
  • To be experiential learners
  • To enjoy learning and positively learn from mistakes


Curriculum Drivers


Long, medium and short term planning that is progressive and cohesive across the year groups and provides opportunities to revisit. Teacher teach lessons that are designed on the principle of “Pictorial, Concrete, Abstract”  and we provide quality first teaching in line with the teaching standards

All teachers:

  1. ‘Know where their children are’ through the use of concise summative assessment, prior learning, assessment, maths talk
  2. ‘Understand where their children need to be’ through a secure understanding of year group expectations and/or pre key stage expectations and incisive, ongoing, formative assessment
  3. ‘Know how they are going to get them there’ through the use of a range of strategies to promote independence, mastery and high expectations of ALL.
  4. Plan for progression during and between lessons.


How do we teach for Mastery in the Early Years?

In EYFS the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the non-statutory guidance of Development Matters provides the guidance for our long term planning in the EYFS. To support further with planning, teachers have access to the White Rose Maths materials for reception. 



In Nursery children learn through playing and exploring, active learning experiences and creating and thinking critically. Pupils develop mathematics through Number and Shape, Space and Measure. Children have access to both the indoor and outdoor learning environment where children can explore and learn through play. The children’s interests are a powerful catalyst for mathematical enquiry and adults in school scaffold and support children’s play, mathematical interests and thinking through collaborative dialogue.



In the Reception there are two Early Learning Goals for Maths which are Number and Shape, Space and Measure. Teachers follow the White Rose Maths small steps schemes of learning for EYFS and Mastering Number. Pupils are introduced to maths concepts through whole class teaching, before moving on to tasks and within the continuous provision.


 Pupils in both Reception and Nursery are taught the following key skills;


· Fluency- children learn and remember basic number facts such as 1 and 4 make 5.

· Representing numbers and recognising amounts – children use different objects and pictures to represent a number in many different ways.

· Counting - saying one number for each object, knowing the final number is how many altogether and counting objects in any order.

· Reasoning – opportunities to explain what has happened and why, true or false activities.

· Problem Solving – allowing children to seek solutions, considering the best approach to use. This might involve; spotting patterns, estimating, predicting and finding many different ways to do things.


How do we teach for Mastery in KS1 and KS2

Children are taught mathematics in blocks of learning following the White Rose Maths schemes of learning throughout their time in Key Stage 1. Each block is taught beginning with a concrete approach, moving on to pictorial representations, before moving on to abstract maths.

· Concrete – Pupils are first provided the opportunity to explore concepts practically using manipulatives to model their mathematical thinking.

· Pictorial – Pupils are then encouraged to draw pictures or diagrams to model their understanding of concepts.

· Abstract – Pupils then move on to more formal mathematical representations and symbols once they have a good understanding of concrete and pictorial.


In additional to this, pupil's secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense in KS1 through NCETM Mastering Number, progressing to daily arithmetic lessons in KS2. 



To measure impact we will ask; What impact has the above had on:

*Quick recall of facts and procedures/ The flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics./*The ability to recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics

A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. This will be assessed through assessment, tracking, pupil progress meetings, performance management, moderation and standardisation.



Please click here to access our Maths Policy.

We are unable to publish our calculation policy due to copyright. Paper copies can be obtained from the school office.




Progression Document

A copy of our progression document can be obtained from the school office.


Vocabulary Progression Document





Pupil Voice 



"I like making 10 in different ways." 

"I like the Numberblock songs."


Year 1 

"I use the working wall to help me figure it out if I don't know the answer."

"The teachers help me, they remind me what to do." 




Information for Parents

Please see the link below for information regarding 2022 Multiplication Check

