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Healthy Lunches

School Meals

As from 1st April 2022 the  cost of a school meal is £2.34 per day or £11.70 per week, payable in advance on Monday mornings.

Children may bring a packed lunch, however, please note we have no refrigerated facility in which to store them.

Since 31st October 2016 our school meals provider has been Feeding Hungry Minds formerly known as ISS Education.

Please use the link below to view their website for more information:-

Having received many requests from parents we are happy to say that as from September you have been able to pay for and order your child's meals online, if you wish to do so, using the website link above. Please note:-  you do not have to pre-order your child's meal (as stated on the flyer below). Pupils will still be able to choose a meal on the day.

Please see below information on how to register .

Parent Payments and Meal Pre-Selections can be accessed on






Every day the children have a choice of several main courses. A vegetarian option, a non vegetarian option, a sandwich option or a jacket potato.

There is a choice of vegetables or a selection from our salad bar, along with fresh bread cooked on the premises every day.

Finally the children have a selection of desserts to choose from.

We also operate a Monday and Friday Club, where children who normally bring a packed lunch to school can order a school meal.  

Please use the links below to view the menu and an introductory letter from ISS

Welcome letter


Packed Lunches

Our School Council have been working very hard, carrying out a survey throughout school and having discussions with their classes about healthy eating and what should be included in a packed lunch.

Please see below the policy which has been created as a result of their hard work.


Snacks and drinks

We encourage fruit to be sent into school for a snack, however could you please ensure the if grapes are sent in they are cut in half, this also applies if they are sent in as part of a packed lunch. Whole grapes have been identified as a choking hazard.  We have a water only policy for when the children are in class.



School School Milk Orders 2022

Dear Parent/Carer


School Milk UK is the provider of School Milk at our school.

The process of ordering and paying for your child’s milk is quick and easy and you can pay for each term (3 times a year) or for the full academic year September - July

If you would like your child to enjoy milk at school, you can register on-line at  Once you have registered, there is no need to register again.

Please note that you should only register if you need pay for your child’s milk.

If you are in receipt of benefits which qualify your child for free school meals, please speak to the school office as milk may be free for your child.

If you choose to opt into this scheme, your child will receive a 189ml carton of fresh chilled semi-skimmed milk each school day, to drink mid-morning Milk is payable in advance for the following full term or you can pay for a full academic year. The leaflet accompanying this letter explains in detail how to register and purchase milk.

Milk for the under-fives is free until the beginning of the term in which the child turns five. Please see below for a list of dates;

Autumn: 01.09.22 to 16.12.22  If child’s 5th birthday is within these dates you should pay for all three terms

Spring: 17.12.22 to 31.03.23  If child’s 5th birthday is within these dates you should pay for Spring & Summer terms

Summer: 01.04.23 to 25.07.23  If child’s 5th birthday is within these dates you should pay for Summer term

If your child’s 5th birthday is after the 26th July 2023, then milk is free for the entire school year.           


Kind Regards


School Milk UK