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At Shay Lane Primary School, we teach Personal, Social, Health Education as a whole-school approach to underpin children’s development as people and because we believe that this also supports their learning capacity. 

The Jigsaw Programme offers us a comprehensive, carefully thought-through Scheme of Work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning in this vital curriculum area.

This also supports the “Personal Development” and “Behaviour and Attitude” aspects required under the Ofsted Inspection Framework, as well as significantly contributing to the school’s Safeguarding and Equality Duties, the Government’s British Values agenda and the SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural) development opportunities provided for our children.

During our assemblies, the whole-school PSHE theme is explored, then rewarded during our Celebration Assembly on Fridays. These assemblies also reinforce our core values of Reason, Resilience, Respect. 

 'Calm Me' is an element of the Jigsaw lesson that helps children to practise mindfulness.  


Pleases click here to access our Jigsaw Policy


What is Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, and how does it work?

Jigsaw is a whole-school approach and embodies a positive philosophy and creative teaching and learning activities to nurture children’s development as compassionate and well-rounded human beings as well as building their capacity to learn.

Jigsaw is a comprehensive and completely original PSHE Education programme (lesson plans and teaching resources) for the whole primary school from ages 3-11 (12 in Scotland). Written by teachers and grounded in sound psychology, it also includes all the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education, and Sex Education is also included in the Changing Me Puzzle (unit).

Jigsaw has two main aims for all children:
• To build their capacity for learning
• To equip them for life

Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, compulsory Relationships and Health Education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. It is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time at their own level. There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) and each year group is taught one lesson per week. All lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs.

There are 6 units of work, one unit per term. Every year group studies the same unit at the same time allowing for themes to be shared and celebrated.

Autumn 1 - Being Me in My World

Includes understanding my place in the class, school and global community as well as devising Learning Charters.

Autumn 2 - Celebrating Differences

Includes anti-bullying (cyber and homophobic bullying included) and diversity work.

Spring 1 - Dreams and Goals

Includes goal setting, aspirations and resilience building.

Spring 2 - Healthy Me

Includes drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices (on and off line).

Summer 1 - Relationships

Includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills.

Summer 2 - Changing Me

Includes relationship education in the context of looking at and managing change.


Relationship, Sex and Health Education 


Before beginning to roll out RSHE across school, we carried out a staff and parent consultation.  Comments were addressed by school leaders, and taken into account by the Governing Board who agreed that the teaching of RSHE using the Jigsaw PSHE programme should go ahead. 

The Jigsaw PSHE programme includes lessons on ALL aspects of compulsory Relationships and Health Education, designed in a sensitive, spiral, age-appropriate curriculum. It also has a few lessons on human reproduction in Key Stage 2 to ensure children know the accurate facts concerning this before going to secondary school, and to ensure children understand why the body changes in adolescence.

At Shay Lane, we teach RSHE (Relationship, Sex and Health Education) as part of PSHE, which means that parents are able to withdraw their children from lessons that cover 'intercourse, conception and birth'.  This needs to be done in writing via the school office. 

At Shay Lane, we believe this work is an important part of safeguarding children, as knowledge empowers them, helping them to stay safe and cope with puberty understanding why their bodies will change.





Vision Statement


In our school, we are committed to developing children as healthy, independent and responsible members of society who understand their rights and responsibilities towards themselves, others in school and the local and global community. We aim to develop children’s awareness of their thoughts and feelings as they happen, in the moment, on purpose and with no judgement so that they have the skills and understanding to make informed choices. Personal, Social and Health Education enables the children to: 

Develop self-confidence and self-esteem

Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle 

Know how to keep themselves safe 

Understand and develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community respecting the differences between people 

Be independent and responsible members of the class, school, local and global community 

Be positive and active members of a democratic society 

Make informed choices regarding personal and social issues






At Shay Lane Primary School, we follow the Jigsaw scheme of work. Please ask at the school office for a paper copy of our planning and progression document. We are unable to display this on our website due to copyright.

